
Andrew Godley and I recently published an article: "Structure and Meaning in Strategic Paradoxes: Exploring Historical Context in the Emergence of Agrifood Standards," Business History In Press (2024): 1-26,

The Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal has released a special issue on historical approaches to entrepreneurship, which includes an article by myself and Andrew Godley as well as several excellent articles by world-leading business historians (Dan Wadhwani, Stephanie Decker, and Matthew Hollow, among others).

Early views are available of my latest article in Enterprise & Society, “Crop Insurance and the New Deal Roots of Agricultural Financialization.” Federal crop insurance, initially developed as a social insurance program during the late New Deal, increasingly became a lever of financialization, a means of disciplining individual farmers to think of farming in abstract terms of risk management.

I recently published an article for the 100th Centennial of the Agricultural History Society reviewing opportunities and challenges for integrating theory and theoretical perspectives into agricultural history research.

Read the whole article in Agricultural History on JSTOR.

Myt article, "Agribusiness, the Family Farm, and the Politics of Technological Determinism in the Post-World War II United States," was published in Technology and Culture.